Purchase a Pocket Connie Bundle!

Each $250 bundle includes: 

  • A 4-hour Foundational Skills Workshop - Synchronous on Zoom
  • Two  90-minute Collaborative Feedback Problem Solving Sessions  -  Synchronous on Zoom
  • Monthly Open Office Hours 
  • One Year of Access to PocketConnie Web Tools. 

Access to web tools will begin on the date of your Foundational Skills Workshop.  If something comes up and you can't make your Foundational Skills Workshop, please reach out to PocketConnie @gmail.com.  We will work to get you scheduled into a new session.  You will not gain access to the web tools until you have completed the Foundational Skills Workshop. 

Upcoming Sessions: 

January Session 

Foundational Skills Workshop (4 hours) - January 21st, 12-4pm EST or 7-11am HST 

Collaborative Feedback and Problem Solving Sessions (90 mins) 

Feb. 2nd,  4:00-5:30 EST or  4:00-5:30 HST 

Feb. 16th,  4:00-5:30 EST or  4:00-5:30 HST 

Can't make these dates?  Keep checking back!  More sessions will be added. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I purchase just the online tools without the PD? 

No.  We believe that these tools only work when teachers and classrooms are set up for conferring success.  The Foundational Skills Workshop and Collaborative Feedback Sessions are crucial to making sure you have the routines and structures in place to use the tools effectively.  

Can I renew my access to the tools? 

Yes!  Once you have taken a session of PocketConnie PD (the Foundational Skills Workshop and Collaborative Feedback Sessions) you will have one year of access to the web tools.  After that year you will be able to renew access to the tools, and Open Office Hours for $100 a year. 

What if I can't attend the PD sessions? 

When you purchase you will be prompted to choose session dates.  Please choose a session when you can attend all the session dates.  If something unexpected comes up and you can't make a session, please contact PocketConnie @gmail.com.  We will try our best to reschedule you.  You will not gain access to the web tools until you have completed the Foundational Skills Workshop. 

Can I purchase PocketConnie for my school or district? 

Yes! School and district level PD can be customized to meet the needs of your learning community.  Fill out our contact form to get started! 

I purchased a bundle but did not get a Paypal receipt.  What should I do? 

Please contact us ASAP at PocketConnie@gmail.com so we can confirm your order. 

Still have questions? 

Email us at PocketConnie@gmail.com